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I do genuinely like the game and it has great potential but there were a few things that could be done better, I will list those first.

One thing that annoyed me was the fact that I had to click and hold to end the current level and if I just held a little bit too long I was right back at lvl 1. Would much appreciate it either having a delay or even just a pop up asking if you want to end the current level.

I also didn't care for the fact that there were no exit game button or even anything I could use to exit the game other than clicking windows and then closing the game.

I did enjoy having to think and experiment with what ingrdients I had at hand but would appreciate having recipe book of some sort to store suggestions for later.

These are great suggestions. I agree with all three of them.

The first two I will implement right away, as they're easy and important.

The recipe book is something we planned to do but is a lot of work. I'll try to get that done before the showcase because it would be so cool. The challenge will be figuring out how to clearly display recipes that got you to a particular dish.

this game is an absolute delight! it delivers on its promises and is a joy to noodle through, really gets one's cooking mind in gear. the core loop is tight but joyful, and the lack of fluff is a good thing in this case - that core shines deliciously through every scrumptious pixel. well done!

Thank you!